New York City activist

December 9, 2007

Former Italian president Francesco Cossiga thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

Filed under: 9/11,9/11 Truth,CIA,false flag terror,Francesco Cossiga — Diane @ 4:23 pm

Yesterday morning I got an email message calling my attention to the news story Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job by Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet, Tuesday, December 4, 2007. The former Italian president is Francesco Cossiga, described as the “Man who set up Operation Gladio.” (See the Wikipedia articles on Operation Gladio and False flag operations.)

The Prison Planet article contains a link to the original source, described as “Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper, Corriere della Sera.” Unfortunately I don’t know Italian. Prison Planet provides the following “rough translation”:

“[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe … now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”

I figured I should do a little checking around on the Internet. The Prison Planet article says, “Coming from a widely respected former head of state, Cossiga’s assertion that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job and that this is common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies is highly unlikely to be mentioned by any establishment media outlets, because … he can’t be sidelined as a crackpot conspiracy theorist.” That’s probably true here in the U.S.A., but would overseas newspapers be similarly shy about it?

As of yesterday morning, I didn’t find what appeared to be any mainstream media accounts overseas, at least not in any English-language sources on the Internet. I did find the following:

1) An article titled Were the U.S. & Israel Behind 9/11? by Gideon Polya, December 6, on a Canadian website called Media With Conscience (MWC). This article too contains a link to the original Corriere della Sera news story and the following translated excerpt:

“From areas around the Palazzo Chigi, nerve centre of direction of Italian intelligence, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is testified from the fact that Osama bin Laden in it ‘confessed’ that Al Qaeda would have been the author of the attack of the 11 September to the Twin Towers in New York, while all of the democratic areas of, America and of Europe, with in the forefront those of the Italian, centre-left, now know well that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and to persuade the Western Powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan For this, no word of solidarity arrived to Silvio Berlusconi, who has been the author of the brilliant falsification, neither from the Quironale nor from Palazzo Chigi, nor from representatives of the centre-left!”

In this translation, the emphasis seems to be on the opinion of “the centre-left” rather than on the opinion of “intelligence services,” as in Prison Planet‘s translation. Furthermore, the MWC article presents Cossiga’s statements as just his own personal opinion, albeit an opinion that should be listened to, whereas the Prison Planet article makes it sound more like actual inside knowledge.

2) A website in India,, with the article Put Option On America – Part 1 by Rand Clifford, 07 December, 2007. The author appears to be an American, judging by his use of the word “our” in the sentence “Why is it that Americans seem among the least aware that the radical changes needed for America to regain its Constitution, and survive as a Republic, will never happen within our rotted-out system?” Clifford also mentions “Neocon alpha reptiles” – I hope he’s just speaking figuratively, rather than endorsing David Icke. Anyhow, this article doesn’t say a lot about Francesco Cossiga’s recent statement. It’s more about 9/11 in general and the American political scene in general. But it contains the following about Cossiga himself:

Cossiga was forced to resign in 1992 after admitting he helped set up the CIA’s Operation Gladio, where a group of neo-fascist paramilitary operatives carried out false flag operations across Europe from the 1960s through the 1980s that were blamed on leftists. An agent of Gladio, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, in the Italian parliamentary investigation of 2000 that revealed the attacks were being overseen by the U.S. intelligence apparatus, stated under oath: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple—to force…the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.”

Anyhow, I should mention here that people in the 9/11 Truth movement have a variety of opinions as to which foreign governments, if any (Israel, Pakistan, etc.), might have had some role in the 9/11 attacks, in addition to a cabal within the U.S. government. I haven’t studied this issue enough to voice an opinion on it myself.

What I do know is that the possible involvement of anyone in the Israeli government is an extremely sensitive issue with many people, with many Jews terrified that such a revelation, or such a belief, might lead to a Nazi-like backlash against all Jews. So, as I’ve said before, I think we need to show that we care about opposing all kinds of bigotry, including bigotry against Jews. (See my earlier blog post Taking responsibility for counteracting bigotry in our midst.)

P.S., 12/9/2007: Some discussion about Cossiga can be found in the Truth Action thread Italian Ex-Prez: The Truth about 9/11!. There, I’ve asked if anyone knows Italian. I’m hoping that someone there can straighten out the question of exactly what Cossiga said.

P.S., 12/11/2007: In light of comments below, I’ve added a question mark to the end of the title of this post. I should try to find someone who knows Italian, preferably someone who is familiar with Italian politics too.


  1. We have discussed this at JREF. As always, things are not what they first seem to be. Once again, this story has been “trutherized” if you allow my impression.

    Here is a post by Italian poster Pape in its whole:

    “I’m from Italy, so I know very well the sarcasm of our former president Cossiga. Before doing a translation of the article, I’d like to point out that Cossiga does NOT thrust in CT about 9/11, and he said that a lot of time. Italian CTers (like Giulietto Chiesa) seems to have a very short memory, and while they point to his latest interview on Corriere della Sera thinking Cossiga is a CTer, they forget to mention many other interviews released by the former president, like this one on La Stampa (sorry, but the forum does not allow me to link) another important italian newspaper. (to be precise, this is not an interview but an article written by Cossiga himself)

    I won’t translate all this one, but just the most important sentence (BTW, if you are interested in the full translation, just ask me ^_^):

    “Rifiuto la teorica «complottista» che è un’abile e talvolta sincera contraffazione della realtà per il timore di essa: Moro sarebbe stato rapito dalle «così dette» Brigate Rosse, strumento della CIA, o del KGB o della P2 o del… Priorato di Sion”

    Which could be literally translated as follows (bold are by me):

    “I refuse the conspiracy theory, which is a smart and sometimes sincere contrafaction of reality caused by the fear of that (reality).

    He also says:

    “Ricordando quanto «aperta» sia la società americana […] mi sembra improbabile anzi impossibile che l’11 settembre sia stato frutto di un complotto americano”

    “Rememering how is “open” american society, I think is very unlikely, I may say impossible, that 9/11 was an inside job”.

    So, as you can see, Cossiga isn’t a CT, but just a man with a strange sense of humour.

    After this introduction, I think is time to translate the interview you are talking about in this topic.
    Bolds are by me

    “As I’ve been told, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow (interview appeared on 30 november 07) the most important chain of newspaper of our country should give the proof, with an exceptional scoop, that the video (which in reality is an audio tape, NdR) in which appear Osama, leader of “the great and powerful movement of islamic revenge Al Quaeda” – God bless him! – and in which are formulated threats to our ex president Berlusconi, is nothing more than a fake realized inside Mediaset studios (the huge television group owned by Berlusconi) in Milan and sent to arabic television Al Jazeera.

    The trap was organized to create solidarity for Berlusconi, which is having lot of problem related for the tangle between RAI and Mediaset. From sources near to Palazzo Chigi, the nevralgic center of italian intelligence, we know that the video is fake because Osama admits that he was the mind behind the attacks against the twin towers, while all the democratic parties in Europe and USA know very well that the attack was organised by CIA and Mossad, whit the help of sionistic world, just to accuse arab countries and induce occident to intervein both in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is why nobody in parlament gave solidarity to Berlusconi, which is the author of the fake video””

    Comment by ref1 — December 10, 2007 @ 9:49 pm | Reply

  2. Edited to add: Needless to say, Cossiga is only being sarcastic about the perceived tendency of the Italian left to blame everything on Berlusconi, the Americans and the Zionists.

    Comment by ref1 — December 10, 2007 @ 9:54 pm | Reply

  3. ref1 wrote:

    Once again, this story has been “trutherized” if you allow my impression.

    I’d rather you say Prison Planet-ized, or something. People in the 9/11 Truth movement need to stop trusting Prison Planet as a source.

    I’ll have to see if I can find someone else who knows Italian, to double-check what you’ve told me.

    Anyhow, I looked around for that JREF thread and found it here. In the future, it would be nice if you could post a link when you quote something on the web.

    Quick HTML lesson, to avoid direct posting of long URL’s: To create a link like this:


    you could type this:

    <a href=””>Diane</a>

    (The above is supposed to be all on one line, though it may appear broken up above due to word-wrapping.)

    Comment by Diane — December 10, 2007 @ 10:21 pm | Reply

  4. Ok, thanks. I really suck at HTML. I’ll be linking more in the future. Actually I usually do that (linking the things I quote) always, believe it or not. My excuse is the comment field I’m not totally comfortable with, I guess. I’ll do a better job in the future.

    Comment by ref1 — December 10, 2007 @ 10:43 pm | Reply

  5. […] Diane @ 3:52 pm One of my most popular posts, here on this blog, is Former Italian president Francesco Cossiga thinks 9/11 was an inside job?. Lots of people have found that post via search engines. So, in response to the apparent popular demand […]

    Pingback by More about Francesco Cossiga, plus more about Alex Jones, Ron Paul, paleoconservativism, and Jew-haters « New York City activist — December 25, 2007 @ 3:52 pm | Reply

  6. I don’t really read Italian or know about Cossiga, but looking at the Italian and a rough translation at Wikipedia, I don’t think he was referring to the intelligence services.

    I do speak and read Japanese fluently, having studied law there, and I know for sure that Prison Planet misreported what the Japanese legislator recently said.

    And Keven Barrett has gone and repeated this in a Wisconsin newspaper.

    The Japanese legislator never asked “Can Japanese police arrest president Bush if he was one of the suspects?” nor did he say or suggest that Bush is complicit. I’m trying to trace this back, but so far it looks like Kurt Nimmo just made this up.

    Here is an excellent subtitled video of Part 1 of what Fujita said. I can’t vouch for the rest yet.

    [Comment edited by blog author Diane. Video link removed, in accordance with comment policy. dwightvw, please see email.]

    Here is a pretty good translation of what he said, the biggest problem being that it doesn’t explain the legislative context very well, and has extranouse material at the beginning:

    This is really bad, because what Fujita really said about Bush and 9/11 was quite reasonable and should not be controversial. To paraphrase:

    9/11 was a crime in which Japanese citizens died, and the Japanese government is being asked to support the resulting “war on terror” which began with 9/11. Therefore, he said, the Japanese government should not simply rely on the representations of President Bush or anyone else about what happened, but should carry out its own careful investigation and report that to the Japanese people.

    Comment by dwightvw — January 27, 2008 @ 4:33 am | Reply

  7. Whoops, wrong article. I meanr this. It has the translation and link to the Corriere della Sera interview at the end:

    Comment by dwightvw — January 27, 2008 @ 4:35 am | Reply

  8. The translation you have above, which i’m copying below, is correct.
    “From areas around the Palazzo Chigi, nerve centre of direction of Italian intelligence, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is testified from the fact that Osama bin Laden in it ‘confessed’ that Al Qaeda would have been the author of the attack of the 11 September to the Twin Towers in New York, while all of the democratic areas of, America and of Europe, with in the forefront those of the Italian, centre-left, now know well that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and to persuade the Western Powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan For this, no word of solidarity arrived to Silvio Berlusconi, who has been the author of the brilliant falsification, neither from the Quironale nor from Palazzo Chigi, nor from representatives of the centre-left!”
    I’m Italian.
    Francesco Scinico

    Comment by fscinico — June 10, 2008 @ 3:46 am | Reply

  9. Thanks for the info. Next question: Was Cossiga’s statement intended to be sarcastic?

    Comment by Diane — June 11, 2008 @ 11:29 pm | Reply

  10. Judging from this other statement by Cossiga

    it would indeed seem to be the case that Cossiga was expressing sarcasm and no more.

    Comment by patricksmcnally — June 14, 2008 @ 12:04 am | Reply

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