New York City activist

September 9, 2009

“Screw Loose Change” dissing the NYC-CAN ballot initiative

Filed under: 9/11,9/11 Truth,Jersey Girls,Les Jamieson,New York City — Diane @ 4:09 am

Screw Loose Change has been pouring scorn (here
and here) on NYC-CAN’s ballot initiative. The SLC folks assume that the NYC government’s legal challenges are valid and irrefutable, and that we stupid “troofers” just didn’t even bother to look at the election law, or hire a lawyer.


September 8, 2009

On “conspiracy theory” and democracy — Important P.S. to “To debunkers”

I wrote “To debunkers” last night, shortly before going to bed. This morning I realize I left out something very, very important.


Draft of pamphlet, part 1, revised version

Filed under: 9/11,9/11 Truth,CIA,foreknowledge,George Bush,Jersey Girls — Diane @ 1:52 am

In response to some feedback I got in the Truth Action forum, here’s my revised version of Part 1 of the pamphlet:


About the warnings

The draft of my pamphlet mentions the Bush administration’s lack of response to the warnings. The standard “debunker” response to this point is to say that the warnings weren’t specific enough to be actionable.


September 7, 2009

Draft of pamphlet

Filed under: 9/11,9/11 Truth,CIA,Jersey Girls,NORAD — Diane @ 6:10 am

Back in July, I had hoped to be able to spend lots of time researching 9/11 in time to write a well-researched pamphlet to distribute in the vicinity of this year’s major 9/11 anniversary events sponsored by local 9/11 Truth groups. Alas, I was then swamped with work and other things, so I did not have a chance to do the desired research. So, I’ll just have to write the pamphlet based on what I already know. Here’s my draft of the first half of the pamphlet. (I’ll post the second half later today or tomorrow.)


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