New York City activist

July 13, 2009

JREF: Alleged death threats from 9/11 Truth activists

Filed under: 9/11 Truth,reply - JREF — Diane @ 3:21 am

Catching up on 9/11-related stuff that I’ve been taking a break from for a while, I come across the following in the JREF forum: “We will kill 9/11 CT skeptics after 9/11 Truth comes out.”. The thread is full of claims like, “9/11 truthers believe that only they should be allowed to kill people in furtherance of a political agenda.”

Hello? Hello? The mainstream of the 9/11 Truth movement does NOT believe in killing people, or threatening people, to further its cause. ALL of the 9/11 Truth activists I’ve known personally have been (as far as I can tell) strictly law-abiding and nonviolent.

Occasionally in the Truth Action forum, I’ve seen complaints by relatively mainstream 9/11 Truth activists about being harassed or threatened by some of the fringier folks in the movement. So, apparently there are some people in the movement who do resort to unsavory tactics – and who are suspected, by others in the movement, to be agent provocateurs. But they certainly are not at all representative of the movement as a whole.

If the JREFers wish to take a stand for scientific methodology, they should set an example by avoiding hasty overgeneralizations about any group of people.

P.S., July 14, 2009: Please see also the following:

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